Want an adorable free kit today? Well, you're in luck because it's birthday week for Becky of B2N2 Scraps and she's giving you a whole kit for free!!
Isn't it adorable? So here's how you get it. Head to the
blog for B2N2 Scraps, and it's a download-a-day kit.
Monday, August 20- alpha
Tuesday, August 21- elements
Wednesday, Aug 22- papers
Thursday, August 23- QPs (my page below will be a free QP that day too)
Friday, August 24- blog hop, starting at B2N2 Scraps' blog, and hopping all over her creative team for more great freebies!
If you miss out on a day, and don't want to buy the whole kit, no worries, because everything will be separate in the store so you can just buy what you missed. The full kit is also available at
Stuff to Scrap and
Here's my mani pedi page: